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Responsible person in Brasil:

Maria Sinorette Almeida Souza

Telefone: +55 73 8217 6331

Bank account for donations in Brasil:

PAFI - Centro de integração Social Pasquale Fioretti

CNPJ: 05.425.951/0001-26

Rua Jiácomo Really s/n, Povoado de Burietá

45465-000 Teolândia - Bahia - Brasil

Banco do Brasil

Agência: 2783-9

Conta corrente: 8760-2


Information on the use of donations

tax exemption

Associazione Centro PAFI has been exempt from tax liability since 2006 as an association with a non-profit purpose by the Cantonal Tax Office of the Canton of Zurich based on § 61 lit. f TaxG and Art. 56 lit g DBG.

Responsible person in Switzerland:

Alessandro Fuso

Telefone: +41 (0)77 431 14 94

Bank account for donations in Switzerland:

Associazione Centro PA.FI.

Rütiweg 9

8610 Uster


Poststrasse 10

8610 Uster
IBAN: CH50 0020 2202 6381 26M1B

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