Organization Svizzerland
The association PAFI (officially Associazione Centro PA.FI.) is a non-profit and voluntary organization and acts as the supporting association for the school in Brazil.
We assure you that all donations will be used in full for the project in Brazil.
The donations are transferred to Brazil in two installments per year for the upkeep of the school.
Contact for Switzerland:
Phone: +41 77 431 14 94

Pastor and missionary Pasquale Fioretti started a sponsorship project more than 25 years ago.
Teacher and catechist Maria Sinorette Almeida Souza has always had a heart for the poorest and leads the project on site.

Organization Brazil
The non-profit organization named PAFI - Centro de integraçao Social Pasquale Fioretti is registered with the Brazilian Ministry of Finance (Receita Federal Brasileira) as an NGO based in the state of Bahia.
PAFI - Centro de integraçao Social Pasquale Fioretti
CNPJ 05.425.951/0001-26 (identification number)
Rua Jiácomo Really s/n, Povoado de Burietá
CEP 45465-000
Teolândia - Bahia - Brasil
The organization was launched with the construction of a social integration center with the aim of accompanying the poorest of the poor, integrating them into society and educating their children.
The Brazilian organization is headed by a twelve-member board of directors (Diretoría) and is under the supervision of the diocese of Ilhéus.
Contact for Brazil:
Phone: +55 73 8217 6331
Association Centro PAFI
Sense and purpose of the association according to the statutes
The Centro PAFI association aims to promote the education and upbringing of children and young people, especially in the Third World, through sponsorships, patrons and donations, and to support needy families with various initiatives to set up a social work for young people and adults to foster a mature and responsible experience in the community.
The association does not pursue any commercial purposes and does not strive for profit.
tax exemption
Since 2006, the association Centro PAFI has been exempt from tax liability as an association with a non-profit purpose by the cantonal tax office of the canton of Zurich based on § 61 lit. f StG and Art. 56 lit g DBG.

Pasquale Fioretti (president)
Alessandro Fuso (finance)
Richard Sägesser (administration)
Viviana Fuso (public relations)
Matthias Kappeler
Santo Macri
Documents: (german only)

2000 Completion of the community center and start of the school with 2 classes
2002 Construction of the school building with 6 classrooms
2005 Founding of the Centro PAFI association in Switzerland
2007 Construction of the guest house to accommodate visitors
2008 Acquisition of the tabor with the aim of creating a source of income
2010 Opening of the retirement home
2015 Extension of the school to 12 classrooms after the sale of the tabor
2022 Construction of the sports and recreation area for the school