Key for PIX (CNPJ)
Bank account in Brazil:
PAFI - Centro de integração Social Pasquale Fioretti
Rua Jiácomo Really s/n, Povoado de Burietá
45465-000 Teolândia - Bahia - Brasil
Banco do Brasil
Agência: 2783-9
Conta corrente: 8760-2
Bank account in Switzerland:
QR deposit
Associazione Centro PA.FI.
Rütiweg 9, 8610 Uster
Poststrasse 10
8610 Uster
IBAN: CH50 0020 2202 6381 26M1B
Donations can be deducted from taxes in Switzerland.
All donations are used in full for the operation of the school and for the realization of school-specific projects. The administrative costs (namely bank fees) have amounted to less than 1% of the donated amounts in recent years.
​ Use of donations:
School supplies & infrastructure
maintenance of school buildings
school uniforms
warm meals
Staff (except teachers)
Crisis assistance for families (e.g. medical assistance)
"I have always maintained that by serving our poor we receive more than we give, and in fact this is true!"
mother Teresa